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Thinning Hair – have you tried PRP?

What is PRP? Platelet Rich Plasma

Your blood is drawn the same way as a routine blood test.

The blood is then placed into a machine called a centrifuge.

The centrifuge separates the plasma resulting in Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) which is then isolated and ready to be injected. PRP contains specific cells rich in growth factors that stimulate hair growth.

The PRP is then injected into your scalp to stimulate the tissue and encourage natural, faster hair growth. This treatment is precise, and injected into the exact locations you want to target.

The entire procedure takes about 45 minutes to one hour.

How does it work?

The revolutionary PRP hair treatment is the effective 100% natural hair growth treatment that using Platelet rich plasma (PRP) from your own blood which contain essential growth factors to promote hair growth to inject into scalp.

PRP contains special cells called Platelets and plasma, that when re injected can stimulate the cells in the micro-environment of the hair follicle and increase vascularity to hair root. The PRP stimulates and encourages inactive or newly implanted hair follicles into an active growth phase.

The treatment works best for treating thinning hair and promoting hair growth after a hair transplant.

When will I see results?

Results from PRP hair loss treatment are generally visible after three weeks, but optimal collagen regeneration can take anything up three months. The results typically last as long as 18 months, after which it is advisable to book a maintenance appointment. Long term hair rejuvenation is possible with continued treatments.

Effects may vary between individuals, and we highly recommend three sessions for the first treatment, four weeks apart, for optimal stimulation. There isn’t a limit to the number of treatments you can have for maintenance, however , it is recommended to book a session every three to six months for the maximum results.

PRP hair loss treatment during your lunch break is possible.

Can be used for hair rejuvenation and skin rejuvenation

PRP can also successfully help with:

* Reducing wrinkles * Plumping sagging and aging skin * Reduces the appearance of deep creases * Improve complexion * Diminish acne scars

£150 per treatment Course of 4: £485